Since 1997, our mission has always been the same – to raise funds for our partner charities, who care for people in their community when they need it most – and we are so grateful to our players for their continued support which helps to fund this amazing care.
The demand for our partner charities’ services increases every year as does the cost, making every players contribution more important than ever. To help our charities even more, we are making some exciting changes to the weekly Lottery draw, which will raise additional funds for them and provide players with the opportunity to win more prizes.
More prizes in the weekly Lottery draw
From 2 December there will be more prizes available in the weekly draw, giving players the chance to win one of 135 guaranteed cash prizes every Friday.
Plus, the Rollover prize is increasing to £500 and, if not won, will keep rolling over by £500 each week up to a maximum of £10,000 when it becomes a guaranteed prize that must be won in that draw.
New Bonus Draw
We’re also introducing two Bonus Draws each year with the opportunity to win an additional £5,000 prize. The Bonus Draw will replace the weekly draw on the first Friday of May and November each year.
Any players who would usually be in the weekly draw will automatically be entered into the Bonus Draw instead, with the opportunity to win an additional £5,000 guaranteed prize.
Increasing the cost of a subscription
The cost of a subscription will be increasing and the additional money raised will provide even more funds for our partner charities so that they can continue to meet the rising costs of delivering their services.
Players will also be able to accumulate up to four additional entries into each Bonus Draw, provided that all scheduled payments are made in the six months preceding the Bonus Draw.
A £4.34 monthly subscription will increase to £5.00 (per entry).
A £13 quarterly subscription will increase to £15 (per entry).
A £26 bi-annual subscription will increase to £30 (per entry).
A £52 annual subscription will increase to £60 (per entry).
If a player joins part way through the six-month period or a scheduled payment is missed, this will affect how many Bonus Draw entries they accumulate. If a player cancels their subscription before funds are allocated to the Bonus Draw, any additional funds that they have accrued will be allocated into subsequent weekly draws (or be returned to them in accordance with our Terms and Conditions).
Direct Debit subscriptions
We will be increasing all current Direct Debit subscription payments from December 2022. We understand that this is a difficult time financially for many people and should a player wish to continue with the amount that they are currently paying they can do so by contacting us before 4 November 2022 by email or phoning us on 01442 891459 to arrange it.
Standing Order subscriptions
Players who pay by Standing Order have the option to increase their subscription amount to enable them to accumulate up to four additional entries into each Bonus Draw by contacting their bank to make this change directly with them (as we are unable to increase this amount on a player’s behalf).
Debit Card and Cheque subscriptions
Players who pay by Debit Card or Cheque also have the option to increase their subscription amount to enable them to accumulate up to four additional entries into each Bonus Draw and can do so by contacting us by email or phoning us on 01442 891459 to arrange it.
Subscriptions with an additional donation to charity
For subscriptions that include an additional charitable donation, players can use that extra money towards accumulating up to four additional entries in each Bonus Draw instead, by contacting us by email or phoning us on 01442 891459 to arrange it.
For any further queries about your subscription, please contact us by email or phone us on 01442 891459.
Updated Terms & Conditions
As a result of these changes, our Terms & Conditions will be changing for all draws from 2 December 2022. View the new Terms & Conditions.
“Your support helps our partner charities to continue their specialist care for many friends, family and neighbours in the local community. Thank you so much for caring, you are amazing!”
Belinda Ellis, CEO of The Hospice Lottery Partnership