“At the Hospice, the pain is completely contained.”

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In September, Bob and Hilary Davies marked their 50th wedding anniversary. Not only were they able to celebrate with friends and renew their vows in the church where they were married, but the devoted couple could also share a bed again for the first time in months.

Thanks to these special new cuddle beds on The Hospice of St Francis’s Inpatient Unit patients can lie together with loved ones.

“To be able to give her a cuddle and enjoy being together, that’s a big bonus,” Bob said. “It’s another one of the great things they do at the Hospice to make life normal for guys like me.”

“It’s so amazing for our wedding night, fifty years on,” Hilary added.

Bob was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2022 and struggled with severe pain after the cancer spread. “At the Hospice, the pain is completely contained,” Bob explained. “It’s nothing short of amazing. It enables me to celebrate our wedding anniversary, which really means a lot. I can’t be thankful enough to the Hospice for the way they’ve looked after me.”
