“It’s such a comfort to have regular visits from the Rennie Grove nurses, and to know you can call them at any time.”

Home > How we help > “It’s such a comfort to have regular visits from the Rennie Grove nurses, and to know you can call them at any time.”

Francis Hsu was diagnosed with cancer in his early 50s. Rennie Grove’s Hospice at Home nurses supported him and his family so he could spend his final days at home.

Francis’ wife, Diane, takes up his story. “With a terminal diagnosis, everything is so scary and there’s so much you need to learn. It’s such a comfort to have regular visits from the Rennie Grove nurses, and to know you can call them at any time.

“I was determined Francis should stay at home, especially given the visiting restrictions due to coronavirus. I didn’t want him to die alone, by himself.

“And having him at home with us made such a difference, especially towards the end. Emily could just pop in for a snuggle with her dad, or to have a chat with him when he felt able to talk. It was the Rennie Grove nurses who made sure Edwin got home in time to say goodbye to his dad too.

“They helped us make sure Francis was always as comfortable as possible and that his passing was peaceful, here at home, with us, where he belonged.”