“It’s not just the physical care that they offer, the emotional care is so important as well, you’re never on your own.”

Home > How we help > “It’s not just the physical care that they offer, the emotional care is so important as well, you’re never on your own.”

Mrs Gibson’s Mum was admitted to the Inpatient Unit at Michael Sobell House in 2023 where she received end of life care for approximately three months.

Mrs Gibson explained, “We got to know everybody really well. They listened to all our needs and kept us up to date with every step of Mum’s treatment. It’s not just the physical care that they offer, the emotional care is so important as well, you’re never on your own. It feels more like a family than it does a hospice. We’re connected to this place, and it has really supported my entire family throughout the years.

“My daughter, aged 10 during my mother’s stay, benefitted greatly from the Family Support Therapist’s suggestion of art therapy, offering her a space just for her. She would often have questions, and while I did my best to explain, everyone at Michael Sobell House was extremely helpful, interacting with her and addressing her concerns at her level. They really help children to understand what is happening and what to expect, that nobody lives forever. So, when I went home and had to tell her that her nanny was gone, yes of course it hit her, but she understood it a lot more, so it was easier.”

Money raised from The Hospice Lottery helps Michael Sobell House fund services like The Inpatient Unit.

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