David Spurway, a devoted family man, was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer at 63, a devastating shock for him, his wife Bev, and their two sons. Despite the grim prognosis, Rennie Grove Hospice provided critical support throughout his illness.
Initially, David attended the Living Well outpatient service, where he gained peer support, specialist nurse advice, and help with practical matters like benefits. As his condition worsened, the Hospice at Home Team stepped in, providing crucial care and easing Bev’s burden.
In June 2023, for their 39th anniversary, the Hospice Team enabled them to enjoy a special day away, with nurses ensuring David’s medication was managed. He passed away in August 2023 after a brief stay in the hospice inpatient unit.
Bev, familiar with Rennie Grove through her work at a GP surgery, is now fundraising for the hospice. She and her colleagues, “The Midway Movers,” are taking on the Chilterns 3 Peaks Challenge, in memory of David.