“We work with our patients rather than doing things for them.”

Home > How we help > “We work with our patients rather than doing things for them.”

Bhavini Pandya is an Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Assistant at the Michael Sobell Hospice in Northwood. She has worked in the hospice’s Rehab Team for almost eight years, supporting local people who are facing advancing illness. 


“I love my work. We take a very holistic and individualised approach to care and support. It’s all about empowering the patient and keeping them as independent as possible. We work with our patients rather than doing things for them.  


“My role is varied but centres around keeping patients safe, maintaining their strength, supporting with pain relief and falls management, and, if things change, providing alternative ways of being mobile. As part of occupational therapy, we look at people’s daily activities. If those change due to illness, we look to make things easier for them where they struggle. This extends into the community when they’re discharged. 


“We also do a lot of psychological work, looking at boundaries and barriers and trying to resolve those. We help build people’s confidence back up when they start to struggle doing things that they loved doing previously.  


“Physiotherapy and occupational therapy enhance people’s lives. I’m very lucky to be able to do it.