A huge part of what Michael Sobell Hospice does is getting to know people on a personal level and individualising care from medical to spiritual needs. 2020 was a difficult year, but it has not stopped them from exploring how to tackle these challenges and think outside the box.
Virtual reality offers patients, like Pam (pictured), a chance to escape to places of memories and has been incredible for patients to experience these memories in a very real way – the response has been amazing. It provides a distraction from pain, anxieties, and difficult situations, whilst allowing for fears to be discussed through the experience.
Pam, a retired army nurse, who has travelled the world, said: “It is such a huge morale boost for people who are away from their loved ones. Words cannot describe the feeling of ‘being there’ while still in Michael Sobell Hospice.”
Pam spent much of her retirement travelling and was ecstatic to share these memories as well as visiting the Galapagos Islands, somewhere she has always wished to explore.
Michael Sobell Hospice thank Hospice Lottery players for helping to create these special memories for patients.