Request a payment holiday

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Payment Holidays

(this is your reference number beginning with 'S' on the email we sent you)

Option 1 – Request a payment holiday

This is an option to pause payments to us for a specified period of time. If you usually pay by Direct Debit this will automatically re-start on a date of your choice. Re-instated subscriptions will be in line with the amount and frequency of your previous subscription unless you provide us with explicit direction to increase or reduce your original number of entries.
1) I would like to request a payment holiday:
Please select the payment method you would like to resume your subscription on when the time comes:
2) I would like my subscription to renew in:
Direct Debit payments must be taken on 1st, 8th, 18th and 26th of the month.

Option 2 - Discuss Options

1) I would like to discuss this with a member of The Hospice Lottery staff and would like them to contact me by: