Mr & Mrs C – Rollover winners

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Mr and Mrs C are helped to win back their independence

Mr & Mrs C – Rollover winners

It’s not necessarily all sports cars and luxury holidays when you win the Rollover. The top prize of £10,000 went in April 2017 to a couple in their nineties, who are calling it their “taxi money” – having recently had to give up their car and rely on public transport, they can now afford to get taxis rather than walk to the bus stop, giving them back their independence.

The delighted winners have given some of the rest of the money to a friend with a two-bus journey to visit her husband in hospital. They also plan to give their two sons and two granddaughters an extra special Easter treat, and take a little holiday themselves in the UK.

Mrs C experienced cancer herself a few years ago, their daughter-in-law cared for at Michael Sobell Hospice, and they have a friend who volunteers in a Michael Sobell shop, so they are both very aware of the wonderful care the hospices provide and are keen to support them. They felt The Hospice Lottery was the ideal way to help support such important work, and have now had their generosity rewarded.

Having never won anything in their lives before, the couple are thrilled to indulge in a little more freedom without worrying about the expense. That’s when we realise our prizes can be genuinely life-changing – even in your nineties!