Mission Statement:
The Hospice Lottery Partnership – Raising funds for our partner charities who care for people in their community when they need it most.
We are a not-for-profit social enterprise company established in 1997 and raise money for hospice and health-related charities.
Our shareholding partner charities share the costs of running the lottery and receive a share of the income generated by the weekly lottery, bi-annual Superdraw Raffles and donations.
East & North Hertfordshire Hospitals’ Charity in Hertfordshire
Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
Harlington Hospice in Hayes.
Hillingdon Hospitals Charity in Uxbridge
Michael Sobell Hospice Charity in Northwood
Rennie Grove Hospice Care incorporates a Hospice at Home Service (in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire) and a Day Hospice in St Albans
South Bucks Hospice in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
The Hospice of St Francis in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire
We donated 58% to our Owner Partner Charities (55% was donated to our Associate Partner Charities).
Owner Partners:
Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
Michael Sobell Hospice Charity in Northwood
Rennie Grove Hospice Care incorporates a Hospice at Home Service (in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire) and a Day Hospice in St Albans
South Bucks Hospice in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
The Hospice of St Francis in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire
Associate Partners (i.e. non-owner):
East & North Hertfordshire Hospitals’ Charity in Hertfordshire
Harlington Hospice in Hayes.
Hillingdon Hospitals Charity in Uxbridge
When you buy a lottery ticket or take out a subscription to The Hospice Lottery, you will be given the choice to either support the five Owner Partners or one of our Associate Partners. If you have a query please contact us at info@hospicelottery.org.uk
Owner Partners: Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity, Michael Sobell Hospice Charity, Rennie Grove Hospice Care, South Bucks Hospice and The Hospice of St Francis.
Associate Partners (i.e. non-owner): East & North Hertfordshire Hospitals’ Charity, Harlington Hospice and Hillingdon Hospitals Charity.
We are a licensed society lottery regulated by the Gambling Commission, operating within strict guidelines laid down by the Charities Act (2011), The Gambling Act (2005), Fundraising Regulator and several other government and community agencies.
The Hospice Lottery Partnership Ltd is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by The Gambling Commission (gamblingcommission.gov.uk) under account number 5060.
Yes, you MUST be over 18 to play The Hospice Lottery.
Entries are £1 each.
During 2022/23, we received £2.1m in income (£2 million from lottery ticket sales and the rest from donations) with 58.4% donated to our Owner Partner Charities (55% was donated to our Associate Partner Charities); 7.5% went into the prize fund, 14.5% was spent on sales & marketing (including recruiting new players), and 19.6% was spent on administrative costs.
As a ‘Not for Profit’ organisation, The Hospice Lottery Partnership donates all surplus back to the charities that it supports. Inviting our players to play regularly also enables them to forward plan with sustainable recurring funds.
By spending £1 with The Hospice Lottery Partnership every week, you get the opportunity to support local charities as well as the chance to win some great prizes – it’s a ‘win-win’ situation!
There are several easy ways to play The Hospice Lottery;
All tickets and subscriptions, including gift subscriptions, can be bought securely via our website
Information about Prizes
Each week there is a first prize of £1,000, four prizes of £25, 130 prizes of £10, plus our Rollover prize of £500 which can increase by £500 a week up to £10,000.
The Rollover is a separate draw to the main prize draw and includes all players who have not won the first prize.
The prize allocated to the Rollover is currently £500 per week, accumulating in further £500 lots until won. If it reaches a total of £10,000, then the jackpot becomes a guaranteed prize and is drawn as per the process listed above. Our homepage will tell you what the current Rollover total stands at.
As a result of our supporters’ suggestions, in order to encourage a higher Rollover prize, we have a pre-set 5% chance of it being won. However, as the number is randomly selected, it can still be won any week.
There are also two Bonus Draws each year, with an additional prize of £5,000. The Bonus Draw replaces the weekly draw on the first Friday of May and November.
Your chances of winning
The chances of winning The Hospice Lottery, based on recent returns, are:
Lottery Draw
£1,000 = 39,796 to 1
Rollover = 999,999 to 1
Any Prize = 269 to 1
Bonus Draw
£5,000 = 129,700 to 1
Any prize = 948 to 1
Superdraw Raffles
First prize = 25,000 to 1
These figures are estimated using current player numbers and actual figures may vary slightly as it depends on the eventual number of participants. These approximate figures may change and will be updated at any time.
When you join The Hospice Lottery you are given a unique draw number. Every Friday, every player with at least £1 credit in their lottery account has their unique draw number(s) entered into our electronic draw.
The draw computer randomly selects numbers and compares these with your unique player numbers. If your number is a match, you win a prize: The computer continues selecting numbers until it has allotted all prizes each week, the first match made by the computer wins First Prize, the next four matches each win £25 and so on until all prizes are allotted.
If you win a prize you will automatically receive your cheque in the post. If you’ve won the First Prize or the Rollover prize you may also receive a phone call from one of our team. We also publish the weekly winning numbers on our website and in the hospice’s shops.
The Rollover is a second draw that each ticket is automatically entered into free of charge each week, separately to the main prize draw. A number is randomly selected by the computer, and if it matches a player or single ticket number that player wins the current prize. If the selected number does not match a player or single ticket number, the prize is rolled over.
The prize allocated to this draw is £500 per week, accumulating in further £500 lots until won. If it reaches a total of £10,000 after 20 weeks, then the jackpot becomes a guaranteed prize and is drawn as per the process listed above. Our homepage will tell you what the current total stands at.
As a result of our supporters’ suggestions, in order to encourage a higher Rollover prize, we have a pre-set 5% chance of it being won. However, as the number is randomly selected, it can still be won any week.
The Bonus Draw replaces the weekly draw on the last Friday of March and September each year, with the opportunity to win an additional £5,000 guaranteed prize. To read more about this, go to our Bonus Draw page.
Generally we advise each player to have up to five entries (and therefore five numbers) per draw, and single ticket purchasers a maximum of 50 tickets. Anyone wishing to purchase above these amounts should contact The Hospice Lottery staff by calling 01442 891459.
Unfortunately, no. Each play number is computer generated in the order they are received, in order to ensure that they are unique.
If you win a prize you will be automatically contacted, but the winning numbers are also published on our website every Friday, plus each charity is sent a list of winners.
If you wish to cancel your subscription, please email info@hospicelottery.org.uk and we will deal with your request.
We recognise that many supporters are reluctantly forced to cancel their subscription for financial reasons. If you are cancelling due to financial difficulties, you might like to continue supporting your local charity(s) when your financial situation improves. If you would prefer to just take a payment holiday on your subscription rather than cancelling it completely, our charities and their patients would be very grateful.
Whatever you situation is, please email info@hospicelottery.org.uk in the first instance and we will contact you back to discuss this with you.
Yes. The three main directives of the Responsibility Policy are:
The Hospice Lottery specifically does not sell to, or target older or vulnerable persons. It is a condition of our licence and in the ethos of society lotteries that older, vulnerable and underage persons are not specifically targeted, and that steps are particularly taken to protect them.
We have a system in place that verifies the age of every player, and our sales advisors are always vigilant for any signs of vulnerability, and will politely excuse themselves or refuse a sale if they judge that a player should not play for any reason.
Yes, our Privacy Policy and Statment is available on our website.
We would really like to stay in touch and let you know how the money that we raise is helping to fund local health-related charities, as well as telling you about extra draws and other lottery-related information.
If you would like to make any changes to your contact preferences, please login to your online account or email info@hospicelottery.org.uk
We communicate with people in a variety of ways in order to inform them of how we operate the lottery, as well as promoting the work of our partner charities. These methods include door-to-door marketing, attending various hospice and community events, via our partners’ charity shops and other local retail outlets, medical centres and via volunteer ticket agents.
From years of experience, The Hospice Lottery knows that the best way to support our charities in their work is by having face-to-face and preferably one-to-one conversations about the work that they do, the way we support that work and, if the person is interested, ways in which they can play the lottery.
Yes, we have a team of promoters who work within the areas that are local to the charities that we support. A list of these promoters can be found on our Promoters page.
All of our promoters carry an ID badge and Letter of Authority with them, and if anyone wants additional verification, please contact our offices on 01442 891459 for confirmation.
Our door-to-door promoters do not knock in ‘Cold Calling Zones’ or doors with ‘No Cold Caller’ signs.
Our face-to-face promoters (door-to-door, sites and events) receive an income, which is funded from a budget that is specifically allocated for the purpose of recruiting new players.
Yes, we use telephone recruitment services for the purposes of finding new players – to read more about this please visit Meet the team page.
We also contact our supporters from time to time about lottery-related products and Superdraw Raffles – to read more about this, please visit Meet the team page.
We do not share any players’ details outside of our organisation’s own administrative processing needs. We specifically do not share player information with any third party, including our partners, unless given explicit permission by the player to do so.
The Hospice Lottery take any complaints very seriously. All complaints are logged and immediately followed up by a senior member of staff. The resolution of the complaint is also reported to our regulator, as is legally required.
Customer Complaints and Disputes Policy and Procedure and a copy of our Official Complaints Form is available on our website.
A completed complaints form can be emailed to info@hospicelottery.org.uk or posted to: The Chief Executive, The Hospice Lottery Partnership Ltd, Honours Building 72-78 Akeman Street, Tring, Herts, HP23 6AF.
If a complaint is not resolved it will be referred for arbitration to the Independent Betting Adjudication Service Limited (IBAS).
We can be contacted in the following ways:
By telephone: 01442 891459
By email: info@hospicelottery.org.uk
Have you been given a gift subscription and want to redeem it?
Congratulations! Now comes the fun part – simply complete our online form (or alternatively you can call us on 01442 891459) to set it up. We’ll then send you a letter confirming your lottery number and subscription details.
You will need the Reference No. that’s written on the inside cover of your gift card.